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검체검사 장비

A. Gamma Counter
a. Detector : 10ea ( Through hole Type)
b. Hole Size : 6mm ~ Max 12.5mm
c. Resolution : 1/3000mL

a. Analogue convert Rate :12 Bit
b. Channel : 4000
c. Control Processor : 5MHz

C. Deck Capacity
a. 27Rack (540tube) * Include Counting Tube

D. Network Interface
a. RS-232, TCP/IP 


A. Gamma Pro
a. Needle : 2ea
b. Syringe : Cavro XLP 2
c. Resolution : 1/3000mL

B. Cleaning : Diaphragm Wash Pump

C. Sampling : Max  360Tube/hour 

D. Detection stage
a. Well Type NaI (Sodium Iodine) Detector 10EA
b. Detector Counter diff : under 1% 


A. Robotic arms
a. Liquid handling arm
b. PM Tube : 59ea

B. Tip configuration
a.  8 tips, various combinations of different tip types

C. Tip variety
a. Standard (Teflon®-coated stainless steel), disposable tips with or without filter (200/1000 μl)

D. Liquid handling features
a. Volume range : 3-900 μL

Pipetting precision 


Standard volume 


Standard tips 

Standard tips 




200 μL 

1000 μL 





10 μL 

≤ 3.5% 

≤ 3.5% 


100 μL 

≤ 0.75% 

≤ 0.75% 

≤ 0.75% 

Typical results pipetting plasma in single pipetting mode (1000 μl syringe)  


b. Liquid detection : Down to 50 μL of conductive liquid can be detected in round-bottom microplates on standard carriers





자동 세척기

A. Multi-Washer

a. I-Mode  : Prime(Multi-Washer50)

b. T-Mode  : Tube Washer

c. P-Mode  : Bead Washer


B. Capability 

a. 50 Tubes or beads

b. Channel : 4000

c. Control Processor : 5MHz


C. Programable

a. Independent performing : from 10tubes or beads

b. Programable Volume : up to 5ml

c. Programable Cycle : up to 5times

d. Programable Soak time : up to 30sec




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전체 검색

전체 검색